Step 1: Download the driver
- Click on this link to download the driver
- Select "Save as" and save the driver in a chosen folder.
- Click on "Save"
- Right click on the previously saved driver
- Place the pointer on "7-Zip" and select "Extract here"
Step two: Install the printer
Access the account / printer link - 1/3
You will find your login details in your welcome email.
- Click on this link and identify yourself with your WOJO identifiers:
- Click on "Windows".
- Access the account / printer link - 2/3
- Check "Advanced (3)"
- Click on "Continue"
- Access the account / printer link - 3/3
- Check "Impression_EOP_Color"
- Scroll halfway down the page to access point 4
- Copy the link that appears (this link is specific to your account)
Step 3: Configure the printer
- Click on "Ask me a question" at the bottom left of your screen.
- Write "Add a printer".
- Click on "Add a printer or a scanner".
- Click on "I can't find the printer I'm looking for in the list".
- Paste the previously copied link.
- Press "Next".
- Click on "Have disk ...".
- Click on "Browse ..."
- Click on "OK"
- Click on "Ricoh"
- Click on "RICOH MP C4504 (XPS)"
- Click on "OK"
- Click on "Next"
The printer is now installed.